Peregrine in the land: Chapter 2

 A few days passed, but Peregrine was no closer to remembering more about herself or her family.

It was saddening to think that she was truly alone in the world.

She was feeling undone, strange. It was as if she could not be comfortable in her own skin.

She tried to spend her days busy with the animals and her archery. She also found some seeds in the woods and tried her hand at growing them. They seemed to take and soon there were small plants that occupied her attention. Then, a few days later, an uneasy feeling woke her up in the middle of the night.

She ran but did not make it to the privvy in time. She stopped outside a short distance from it as a strong retch caught her off guard.

What was happening to her?

All she seemed to be able to do was work during daylight, and fall on her bed during night time. Every single day. Many nights she was not even terribly tired when she realized that she was walking towards her bed, and she would sleep.

And then this! 

She did not know much, but she knew about women who got with child. How did she know that? Unfathomable. But she noticed that her dress did not fit her well. She found another dress that was a more comfortable fit and put it on. If she was with child... who was the father? Why was she alone? What had happened to him?

Peregrine was more confused with each day.


"Something is wrong."

"Why is no one coming out of the cottage to receive me? I hear no noise. None of their annoying conversation, humming, or even chanting comes from there. Something is very wrong here."

The woman inhaled. "Even the smell is different. Something vile."

The woman let herself into the cottage and saw the cauldron simmering with something greenish. She was not one to know a soup from a salve, but the color, just like the smell, was disgusting.

Or perhaps it was disgusting to her, since most everything they did was.
But no, something was definitely amiss here. What was the girl doing in bed in the middle of the morning? They loved mornings! They lived to get up and sing praise to their lovely mornings! Where were the other ones?

The woman took a cloth and threw it on the girl to wake her. She would not risk touching her until she knew more.

Peregrine was awaken abruptly, but she did not stir fast. She could hear a voice calling her, though.
"Girl. Girl! Wake up! I am here!" A demanding voice was saying. This pushed her from the sleep that was holding her in bed. She stood up and faced a woman she had never seen before. Who was in the middle of her house uninvited.
"Who are you? Why are you in my house?" She asked groggily.
The woman stared at her. She appeared to be inspecting every inch of her face looking...for something. And she was not taken aback by Peregrine's words.

"Where are the others? What has happened here?" Peregrine startled at this. "'The others?' Did you know them?" "Of course I know them! Where are they? Explain!"
"I... I cannot explain. I don't even know who you are referring to. I..., I know a few things: my name, the name of the valley, how to make soup, clean the cow shed..." "...the cow shed?! When did you get cows? And if you call that stinky concoction in the cauldron soup, you are more unhinged than I have always believed you to be." 

The woman sighed. "I also know things. A few, as well. Your name is Peregrine. You live here in Dragon Valley, with You are a long lived breed of witches, so it is you, your mother Barbary, grandmother Gyr, and the oldest crone in the lands, that is, your great grandmother Taita. 
You care for the land and its creatures, and that is how we met..., many moons ago. We have a pact, and if I am here now, is because you are with child."

To say that Peregrine was shocked was an understatement. Everything that the woman had said had a ring of being true. To hear about the family that she could not remember was heart wrecking. "How did they die? Where are their tombs? Do you know? How long ago did they leave me?"

"That is the thing, girl. They are not dead. I would have felt their lives ending, and I haven't-she paused-, and yet, you do not seem to even know this. What is the last thing you remember, girl?"
Peregrine made an effort to think. "I am not sure. It is all so vague..., and I have to sleep..." This surprised the woman. "Sleep? Right now?" "Yes." Peregrine seemed to be closing her eyes and about to fall asleep right where she was. She clumsily moved to the bed and fell on it. She was out the moment her head touched the pillow.
Suddenly, a strong gust of wind slapped the door open and put off the flames that were keeping the cauldron brewing and its contents steaming inside the cottage. The woman looked less concerned. "There. I imagine you will feel more alert soon enough. I don't know how long it will take you to come off this spell, so I will retire for now."
She left the cottage and walked in the direction of the woods.

